Thursday, June 30, 2011

One of "those" days!

Have you ever had one of those days when you would just like to crawl back in bed and cover up your head?  Well today is one of them for me.  I am trying really hard to not be frustrated or grumpy but it is taking an extra measure of patience today.  I would love to be locked in my craftroom doing "my" thing, but alas I am at the office trying to work. 

Thinking about my family always cheers me up.  I have been so blessed...two amazing parents that love and support me, a incredible Godly husband, two fabulous boys who are the joy of my life, a wonderful daughter-in-law and many family and friends.  I guess I just needed to count my blessings to get a better perspective on my life. 

My mom is the most amazing woman I have ever met.  She is talented beyond measure.  I would love to post some of her crafty creations on my blog although she would put me to shame.  You should see some of the quilts she has very talented.  I don't think there is a craft that she has not tackled.  She is a seamtress, a cook, a quilter, a painter, a "rug" hooker, and many more.  Some of her quilts are done entirely by hand...simply amazing!  I guess I got some of my "crafty-ness" from her.  She inspires me to work hard, to do my best, and live a faithfully.  On top of all my mom does, she is the primary caregiver for my grandfather (97 years old).  Can I just say that my mom is my Hero?..because she is, along with being my best friend.  I know I can always count on her to pull me through the rough spots and rejoice with me in the victories.  I am posting the bracelet I made for my mom for Mother's Day. 
Mother's Day Bracelet
The bracelet is from the Jewlery Shoppe Findings Collection.  I used DSWV spring brads for the insides of the jewels.  I filled in the rest of the bezel with ICE Resin.

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